
Xinyao Xu
1 min readFeb 3, 2021

Xinyao Xu (Eva)

What questions do you have about your thesis?

I want to know what fidelity should we have for our final outcomes(prototype). I already have a demo video and concept (3d) prototype right now. But since my topic is about new technology, it is hard for me to make a prototype that can be used or tested.

What are you confident about with your thesis? What has proven to be true so far?

I am pretty confident about my concept. As I think it is necessary to design for the true need. I use the current thesis project in my portfolio for postgraduate application and get an offer from the Royal College of Art (service design). I am pretty sure that we need to use technology to create a better experience. For people who are anxious about control sugar intake, we can not only use technology to provide biodata as they may blame themselves or misunderstanding those data. I decided to use the current technology(daily data can be detected by smartwatch) with some speculative thinking(powerful biosensor in the future) to help people better manage their health.

